Services: Communications

Account holders will receive a variety of communications from Virtus Investment Partners throughout the year. Many of these documents can be delivered online.

Documents Frequency Description
Account Statements Quarterly Includes investment summary page, transaction, and market value report for each Fund.
Confirmations Each transaction Confirms all account transactions to your account but excludes automated transactions.
Fund Annual and Semiannual Reports Annually Annual and semiannual reports are produced upon the Fund's anniversary and six months after the anniversary. Each includes a complete list of holdings for the Fund. Annual reports include commentary from the portfolio manager. Beginning in 2024, streamlined summary reports (called Tailored Shareholder Reports) will provide investors information for each fund and share class in which they are invested.
Prospectus Updates Annually Prospectuses are reviewed and updated each year upon the Fund's anniversary.
Tax Filing Guide and Forms Annually in January/February/May Virtus provides the forms you need to file your federal and state taxes, as well as a comprehensive tax filing guide for mutual fund owners.

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